This is a list of items you should be able to do with the GPS in order to use it for VFR flight.
There are many resources available for learning the 430W.
The quick reference guide from Garmin will cover many of these items.
The free 430W simulator from Garmin is an excellent resource.
GPS Info
- Explain what RAIM is and why we care about it
- Explain what WAAS is and why we care about it
- Determine whether the unit supports WAAS
- Explain which instruments are connected to the 430W
- Turn the unit on (with and without using avionics master)
- On startup, determine if databases are up to date
- Perform startup self-check
- Turn the unit off (with and without using avionics master)
- Demonstrate how to activate the cursor on a page
- Explain the general function of the large and small knob on the right
- View a system message
Menu system
- Explain the menu-page layout of the 430
- Show how to get to the default nav page from any other page
- Show how to get to the nearest airport page from any other page
- Tune in a comm frequency - using the knob
- Tune in a comm frequency - from the database
- Switch between standby and active frequencies
- Enable/disable squelch
- Adjust the comm volume
- Explain the purpose and use of the TX/RX indicator
Map Page
- Find the map page
- Zoom in/out on the map page
- Change level of detail shown on the map page
Nav - General
- ID which nav source is being used (GPS/VOR)
- Switch nav source between GPS/VOR
- Explain difference between track and heading
Nav - VOR
- Tune in a VOR frequency - using the knob
- Tune in a VOR frequency - from the database
- Switch between standby and active frequencies
- Identify a VOR once a frequency is tuned in
- Adjust the VOR volume
Nav - GPS
- Set a direct-to course for a random airport
- Set a direct-to to an airport on the nearest airport page
- Determine ETE for a direct-to destination
- Create a flight plan with multiple points
- Find the heading to the nearest airport
- Find the comm and weather frequencies for an airport in the flight plan
- Find the runways available at destination airport